

时间: 10月9日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30  (12点就可以来吃饭了)
主题:  科学抑或哲学?——从遗传率消失之谜说起

Science or Philosophy? -- A case study of the missing heritability problem

地点: 哲学系B114

主讲人: 陆俏颖 
主要内容: 全基因组关联分析(GWAS)所计算得到的遗传率比用传统方法得到的遗传率要小得多,这被称为“遗传率消失之谜”。此谜题是遗传学家急需解决的问题,而生物哲学家也非常关注这个话题。本次报告试图从“遗传率消失之谜”入手,探讨当今生物哲学的问题域和研究方法,也会宽泛地讨论哲学与科学之间的区分和联系。

Heritability estimates obtained in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are much lower than those of traditional quantitative methods. This has been called the “missing heritability problem”. By analyzing and comparing these two kinds of methods, we first show that the estimates obtained by traditional methods involve some terms that GWAS do not. Second, the estimates obtained by GWAS do not take into account epigenetic factors transmitted across generations, whilst they are included in the estimates of traditional quantitative methods. Once these two factors are taken into account, we show that the missing heritability problem can be largely dissolved.


