

主讲人:Professor Emma Borg
(University Of Reading)

讲座主题:Exploding Explicatures

Abstract: A traditional (Gricean) view holds that there are two kinds of meaning making up the content of an utterance: what the sentence means and what the speaker conveys. This orthodox position has been rejected by views positing three kinds of meaning: what the sentence means, what the speaker asserts by their utterance (the ‘explicature’) and what she (merely) implicates. I critically examine the notion of an explicature, asking what pragmatic processes give rise to them and how they are supposed to be individuated. I suggest that the answers to these questions reveal that explicatures don’t actually exist (in any interesting sense).


Emma Borg教授是当今著名的语言哲学家,雷丁大学哲学系主任、认知研究中心主任。她研究的主要领域是语言哲学和心灵哲学。她的代表作有Pursing Meaning (Oxford University Press, 2012)和Minimal Semantics (Oxford University Press, 2004)。由她主持的雷丁大学哲学系与北京大学哲学系的合作项目已在本年10月正式启动(题目为:普遍的语境敏感性,资助机构为英国人文与艺术理事会),并将于2016年8月结束。其间将有八次左右的视频会议,及两次分别在北京大学和雷丁大学举行的学术讨论会。明年10月将于北京大学举行的第一次讨论会已开始征集文章,详细信息请见北京大学哲学系网页上的另一通知,或访问雷丁哲学系此项目专用网页(https://www.reading.ac.uk/pervasive-context/pc-conferences.aspx)