

“佛教文献、历史与哲学工作坊” 第16讲

How to defeat demons:Reflection about a new edition of the ??ānā?īya- and ??ānā?ika-Sūtra –


主讲人:罗 ? 桑德(Lore Sander)教授

评议人:北京大学南亚学系    萨尔吉  副教授
主持人:北京大学南亚学系    叶少勇  副教授

时间:2014年9月24日(周三)上午 10:00-12:00

罗 ? 桑德(Lore Sander),德国著名印度字体学家、文献学家。1966年获得哥廷根大学印度学博士,师从瓦尔施密特(Ernst Waldschmidt)教授。其博士论文《吐鲁番出土梵文写本的字体学研究》成为印度字体学界的必备参考。1966-1981年在哥廷根大学从事吐鲁番出土梵文写本编目整理工作,1981-1986年在汉堡大学与恩默瑞克(Ronald Emmerick)教授合作研究于阗语字体学,其后任柏林印度艺术博物馆(今亚洲艺术博物馆)吐鲁番藏品部主管,1998年退休。近年来从事佛教梵文写本研究,并执教于莱比锡大学。


A new edition of the two closely related Sanskrit versions of the ??ānā?īya- and ??ānā?ikasūtra belonging to the Dīrghāgama of the (Mūla)Sarvāstivāda school of Buddhism is nearly finished. The Sūtra belongs to the group of apotropaic Sūtras which allows a glimpse into living Buddhism. It is based on the versions preserved in the meanwhile famous manuscript discovered around 1990 around Gilgit on the one hand, and on the other a new edition of the Sūtra already published by Helmut Hoffmann in 1939 on the basis of fragments from Xinjiang. Meanwhile many more fragments could be identified, which make this text much more complete.

After an introduction summarizing the content of the Sūtra and its placement within the Dīrghāgama, several questions will be touched concerning the differences between the two versions, how tiny ever. They concern content, wording, grammar, and especially problems related to the reconstruction of a reliable text from fragments only, as it is the case for the ??ānā?ikasūtra. These problems occur not only because the manuscript remains were written at different times and were found at different places, but especially because this Sūtra belongs to the group of texts meant for the protection of monks and lay-followers and therefore were used by many people, also such outside the Buddhist order. Even being a canonical Sūtra, it may have been more exposed to change than other Buddhist Sūtras.