Opening session: 8:30-9:00, address by Professor CHEN Bo (Peking University, China) + play the Russell interview video
First Session: 9:00-10:20
Keynote Speech: Each speaker has 30 minutes to talk, plus 10 minutes for Q&A
Chair: Professor CHEN Bo
Professor Bernard Linsky (University of Alberta, Canada): Bertrand Russell’s Lectures on Logic and Philosophy in Beijing
Professor Sanford Shieh (Wesleyan University, USA): Russell on Modality, Logic, and Idealism: Tractarian Connections
Break: 10 minutes
Second Session: 10:30-12:10
Invited Speech: Each speaker has 20 minutes to talk, plus 5 minutes for Q&A
Chair: Professor Sanford Shieh
Professor CHENG Yong (Wuhan University, China): Russell’s contribution in logic and its influence on modern logic
Professor Sebastian Sunday Grève (Peking University): Paradox in Russell’s philosophy
Professor JIA Kechun (Nanjing Tech University, China): Russell’s Theory of Proper Name
Professor LIU Jingxian (Central South University, China): A Russellian Interpretation for Hui Shi’s Ten Theses
Lunch Break: 12:10-14:00
Third Session: 14:00-15:40
Invited Speech: Each speaker has 20 minutes to talk, plus 5 minutes for Q&A
Chair: Professor Bernard Linsky
Professor Arthur Schipper (Peking University): Russell 1920 to 2020: Neutrality, Truthmakers, and Relations
Dr. DAI Haiqiang (Beijing Normal University, China): Russell and Early Wittgenstein on Truth
Professor WANG Jing (Shaanxi Normal University, China): Russell on Vagueness
Dr. CHEN Long (Beijing Normal University, China): Defending material implication: Russell against Lewis
Break: 15:40-15:50
Fourth Session: 15:50-17:10
Keynote Speech: Each speaker has 30 minutes to talk, plus 10 minutes for Q&A
Chair: Professor Arthur Schipper
Professor JIANG Yi (Shanxi University, China): Bertrand Russell and the Problem of China revisited
Professor Michael Beaney (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany):Russell amingst the Chaos and Chang[e]s in China
Closing Remarks: 17:10-17:20
Professor CHEN Bo (Peking University, China)