北京大学宗教文化研究院 虚云讲座 第30讲
Lecture Series of Xu-Yun Forum at Peking University, No.30
Christianity and Business Ethics
英国坎特伯雷大主教 韦尔比 先生 主讲
The Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
北京大学宗教文化研究院院长、中国宗教学会副会长 张志刚教授 主持
全国人大常委、中国宗教学会会长、中国社会科学院宗教所所长 卓新平教授 评议
时间:2015年5月29日(周五)上午10:30 (请提前15分钟入场)
The Archbishop’s lecture will consider the different definitions of business ethics that have been offered by economists, business people, religions and legal systems. He then asks three questions:
? Is the responsibility for good ethics in business more than the responsibility of an individual? Or, to describe it another way, can companies sin?
? Secondly, what are the typical ways in which business ethics are informed, and which is the most effective one?
? Thirdly, what has Christianity to say today in a developing economy, or a developed economy, about the way in which business should be done? That is to say, what right has the church to say anything on this subject?
Lecture Series of Xu-Yun Forum at Peking University, No.30
Christianity and Business Ethics
英国坎特伯雷大主教 韦尔比 先生 主讲
The Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
北京大学宗教文化研究院院长、中国宗教学会副会长 张志刚教授 主持
全国人大常委、中国宗教学会会长、中国社会科学院宗教所所长 卓新平教授 评议
时间:2015年5月29日(周五)上午10:30 (请提前15分钟入场)
The Archbishop’s lecture will consider the different definitions of business ethics that have been offered by economists, business people, religions and legal systems. He then asks three questions:
? Is the responsibility for good ethics in business more than the responsibility of an individual? Or, to describe it another way, can companies sin?
? Secondly, what are the typical ways in which business ethics are informed, and which is the most effective one?
? Thirdly, what has Christianity to say today in a developing economy, or a developed economy, about the way in which business should be done? That is to say, what right has the church to say anything on this subject?